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Maine's 2020 County Teachers of the Years Announced Today

2020 County Teachers of the Year Announced in Virtual Ceremony  

Teachers from all 16 of Maine’s counties were honored today in a virtual announcement that was broadcast live on the Maine Department of Education Facebook Page.  

The Maine County Teacher of the Year announcement is held annually in the spring to honor the teachers selected from nominations for Maine Teacher of the Year from each county. The County Teachers of the Year are the finalists for Maine Teacher of the Year, an honor awarded each year to one teacher in Maine. 

The educators were each nominated by a member of their community for their exemplary service in education, and dedication to their students. They were selected by a distinguished panel of teachers, principals and business community members from a pool of hundreds of other nominated teachers in their communities. 

During the ceremony, teachers were honored by Maine Department of Education Commissioner, Pender Makin; Executive Director of Educate Maine, Jason Judd; State Board of Education member, Martha Harris; 2018 Maine Teacher of the Year, Kaitlin Young; and 2020 Maine Teacher of the Year, Heather Whitaker.

2020 County Teachers of the Year:  

Nicole Sautter
Philip W. Sugg Middle School, Lisbon  
Jocelyn Saucier 
Fort Kent Community High School, Fort Kent
Cindy Soule 
Riverton Elementary, Portland 
Melissa Hoisington
Kingfield Elementary School, Kingfield 
Kathryn Meyer
Mount Desert Island 
High School, 
Bar Harbor 
Lindsay Mahoney, 
Messalonskee Middle School, Oakland 
Alison Babb-Brott
St. George School, St. George 
Heather Webster, 
Medomak Valley High School, Waldoboro 
Tonya Prentice
Woodstock Elementary School, Bryant Pond 
Kristy Dube
Fourteenth Street School, Bangor  
Jessica Gregory
Piscataquis Community Secondary School, Guilford 
Bree Candland
Mt. Ararat High School, Topsham 
Jenny France
Somerset Career and Technical Center, Skowhegan 
Sara Pendleton, Captain Albert Stevens School, Belfast  
Debra Carver
Jonesport-Beals High School, Jonesport 
Robert Westerberg, York High School,
As ambassadors for teachers, students, and quality education in Maine, the Maine County Teachers of the Year are available to make presentations to local and regional organizations. Throughout the summer, they will continue to participate in an intensive State Teacher of the Year selection process.

The Maine Teacher of the Year is a program of the Maine Department of Education, administered and partnered by Educate Maine, a business-led organization working to ensure Maine’s students and workers are the best educated and highly skilled in the world.  

For more information contact Rachel Paling (Maine DOE) at rachel.paling@maine.gov or Dolly Sullivan (Educate Maine) at dolly@educatemaine.org.

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